Preliminary Technical Program
8:30am-9:00am | Welcome and Opening Remarks |
9:00am-10:15am | Keynote Talk I |
Title: Information-Centric Networking: Overview, Current State and Key Challenges |
10:15am-10:45am | Coffee Break |
10:45am-12:30pm | Session I: Analysis and Optimisation of Wireless Networks I |
Session Chair: Luciano Bononi, University of Bologna, Italy Lower and Upper Bounds for Multicasting under Distance Dependent Forwarding Cost Functions New Findings on the Complexity of Cluster Head Selection Algorithms New Insights from the Analysis of Free Flow Vehicular Traffic in Highways Adapting Wardrop Equilibrium to Facilitate Optimal Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
10:45am-12:30pm | Industry Track I |
Dynamic Adaptive HTTP Streaming of Live Content Experimental assessment of the coexistence of Wi-Fi, ZigBee, and Bluetooth devices Evaluation of Component-Aware Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Mobile Devices and Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Networking for Automated Live Video Broadcasting: System Architecture and Research Challenges |
12:30pm-2:00pm | Lunch Break |
2:00pm-3:45pm | Session II: Cooperative Wireless Networks |
Session Chair: Andreas Kassler, Karlstad University, Sweden Backhaul Network Pre-Clustering in Cooperative Cellular Mobile Access Networks On Transitional Probabilistic Routing in Cognitive Radio Mesh Networks Rate-Adaptive Probabilistic Spectrum Management for Cognitive Radio Networks Cooperation and Communication in Cognitive Radio Networks based on TV Spectrum Experiments |
2:00pm-3:45pm | Industry Track II |
A SOA based Context-Aware Order Picking System for Warehouses using Laser Range Finder and Wearable Computer Eco-efficient feedback technologies: Which eco-feedback types prefer drivers most? Enhanced Surveillance Platform with Low-Power Wireless Audio Sensor Networks |
3:45pm-4:15pm | Coffee Break |
4:15pm-6:15 pm | Demo and Work-in-Progress Session |
Work-in-Progress papersEfficient routing in large sensor grids supporting mobile drains Acoustic Scheme to Count Bird Songs with Wireless Sensor Networks Cooperative vs. Non-Cooperative: Self-Coexistence among Selfish Cognitive Devices Diversity Decay in Opportunistic Content Sharing Systems Priority Scheduling for Participatory Delay Tolerant Networks Stream Aggregation in Heterogeneous Range and Rate Mobile Robot Networks STAR: Storage Aware Routing Protocol for Generalized Delay Tolerant Networks TP-UrbanX - A New Transport Protocol for Cognitive Multi-Radio Mesh Networks Recycled ID Assignment for Relocation of Hopping Sensors A Framework for Chase Strategies in Recent Energy or Time Efficient Route Discovery Protocols DemosPassive Keyless Entry System for Long Term Operation Protected Delivery of Multimedia Contents over Multicast IP Networks: an Open-Source Approach Rehabilitation Supervision Using Wireless Sensor Networks Web Services Transactions in 6LoWPAN Networks TUNEGreen: A Distributed Energy Consumption Monitor for Wireless Networks A Framework for Multimodal Sensing in Heterogeneous and Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks Implementation of CAMEO: a Context-Aware Middleware for Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks Safebook: A Distributed Privacy Preserving Online Social Network Intelligent Transportation Systems: When is Safety Information Relevant? |
6:15pm-8:00pm | Welcome Cocktail and Early Tuscan Dinner |
9:00am-10:15am | Panel |
Title: Waves, rules, opportunities: tackling new architectures and services within current wireless regulation |
10:15am-10:45am | Coffee Break |
10:45am-12:30pm | Session III: Protection and Privacy in Mobile Networks |
Session Chair: Thorsten Strufe, University of Mannheim, Germany Defeating NIDS evasion in Mobile IPv6 networks Events Privacy in WSNs: a New Model and its Application Modeling and Predicting the Dynamics of Mobile Virus Spread Affected by Human Behavior Exploiting Temporal Complex Network Metrics in Mobile Malware Containment |
10:45am-12:30pm | Session IV: IEEE 802.11 Networks |
Session Chair: Raffaele Bruno, IIT-CNR, Italy Energy-efficient fair channel access for IEEE 802.11 WLANs SmartRate: A new dynamic rate adaptation algorithm for 802.11 wireless networks Multipath Mitigation for Indoor Localization Based on IEEE 802.11 Time-of-Flight Measurements Exploiting Multiple Channels for Rate Separation in IEEE 802.11 Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks |
12:30pm-2:00pm | Lunch Break |
2:00pm-3:45pm | Session V: Opportunistic Networking |
Session Chair: Klara Nahrstedt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Predicting Missing Contacts in Mobile Social Networks Hop-by-Hop Reliable, Parallel Message Propagation for Intermittently-Connected Mesh Networks Power Saving Tradeoffs in Delay/Disruptive Tolerant Networks Relieving the Wireless Infrastructure: When Opportunistic Networks Meet Guaranteed Delays |
3:45pm-4:15pm | Coffee Break |
4:15pm-5:45pm | Short papers I: Wireless Higher Layer Issues |
Session Chair: Franck Legendre, ETH Zurich, Switzerland PIM-WSN: Efficient Multicast for IPv6 Wireless Sensor Networks Estimating Human Movement Activities for Opportunistic Networking: A Study of Movement Features Intelligent Transportation Systems: When is Safety Information Relevant? 3R: Fine-grained Encounter-based Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks |
4:15pm-5:45pm | Short papers II: PHY and MAC Layer Issues |
Session Chair: Rosario Garroppo, University of Pisa, Italy Bandwidth assignment for reliable fixed broadband wireless networks Enhancement of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC layer to Combat Correlated Channel Errors TREEFP: A TDMA-based Reliable and Energy Efficient Flooding Protocol for WSNs Wireless Memory: Eliminating Communication Redundancy in Wi-Fi Networks |
5:45pm-7:00pm | PhD Forum |
New Key Management Schemes for Resource Restricted Wireless Sensor Networks Novel Overlay Data Transmission Technique in Cognitive Radio Networks Resources Allocation and Power Saving for 3GPP LTE Uplink The Next Dimension of Video Experience: Sensory Effects Opportunistic Scheduling and Rate Adaptation for Scalable Broadcast Video Streaming A Hierarchical Discovery Scheme for WSNs with Mobile Elements Experimental Evaluations of Security Impact on IEEE 802.15.4 Networks Dynamic resources allocation in wireless mesh networks LTE and LTE-Advanced evaluation through innovative simulation tool From Intra-Cell Resource Allocation to Inter-Cell Multi-Operator Spectrum Sharing Optimized IPv6 Internet access from vehicles in multi-hop and heterogeneous environments SVC Tunneling for Media-Aware Content Delivery: Impact on Video Quality Greening IEEE 802.11 channel access Enabling Distributed Building Control With Wireless Sensor Networks A Trust Management Model for Body Sensor Networks Human Mobility Model Based on Time-Varying Bipartite Graph Rate-control for RTP-based Multimedia Applications Designing a Medium Access Control Protocol for Body Area Networks Communication Protocols and Simulation Tool Development for Multimedia Traffic Optimization in LTE Networks |
8:15pm-onwards | Conference Banquet |
8:15pm-onwards | Student Dinner |
AOC 2011 | Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications |
9:00am-10:45am | Session VI: Analysis and Optimisation of Wireless Networks II |
Session Chair: Stavrous Toumpis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Layered Backpressure Scheduling for Delay Reduction in Ad Hoc Networks A Localized Planarization Algorithm for Realistic Wireless Networks Reducing Transmission Losses in Body Area Networks using Variable TDMA Scheduling Power save analysis of cellular networks with continuous connectivity |
10:45am-11:15am | Coffee Break |
11:15am-12:30pm | Keynote Talk II |
Title: A Tale of Two Networks (2025) |
12:30pm-2:00 pm | Lunch Break |
2:00pm-3:45pm | Session VII: Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet of Things |
Session Chair: Hannes Frey, University of Paderborn, Germany Dissemination in Multi-hop Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks Class Coverage for Collaborative Classification in Wireless Audio Sensor Networks A Verified Dependable Wireless Safety Critical Hard Real-Time Design Object Group Localization in the Internet of Things |
3:45pm-4:15pm | Coffee Break |
4:15pm-6:00pm | Session VIII: Wireless Multimedia Networks |
Session Chair: Vincenzo Mancuso, IMDEA Networks, Spain A Content-Aware Rateless Error Protection Scheme for Live Video Streaming Systems Massive Live Video Distribution using Hybrid Cellular and Ad Hoc Networks Distributed Audio Synchronization Scheme Using Audio Endpoint in WASNs Playback Interruption Probability Analysis for Roadside-to-Vehicle Media Streaming |
6:00pm-6:15pm | Closing Remarks |